MyVariant Data Updates

by Ginger Tsueng

The data in is frequently updated which is why we don't always blog about data updates. Occasionally, we put up some data blog posts like this to remind our users some major updates (like the dbnsfp in this one). With over 750 MILLION variants in, it's easy to overlook the amount of data that is updated in

Last month, dbNSFP data was updated from data release 3.5a to 4.0b1a adding roughly 400 thousand new variants. Note that due to this update, a little more than 60 new dbNSFP property fields were added, 13 fields were deleted, and about 40 fields were updated. For more details about this update, visit the data release log for the February 26th update.

Last week, the ClinVar, SnpEff, and CIViC data were also updated. In addition to the recent data update, the update method for CIViC has been automated to occur on a monthly basis. Visit the data release log to view more details about the March 14, 2019 update.
